Andre Bauer, South Carolina Lt. Gov., Blames 'Flat-Out Lazy' People For Immigration Problems

Andre Bauer, South Carolina Lt. Gov., Blames 'Flat-Out Lazy' People For Immigration Problems

South Carolina Lt. Governor Andre Bauer (R-S.C.) introduced a new line of reasoning into the contentious immigration debate last week, blaming "flat-out lazy" people for allowing illegal immigrants to thrive in his state.

"The real problem is the work force," Bauer said during the first Republican gubernatorial debate on Friday. "The problem is we have a give-away system that is so strong that people would rather sit home and do nothing than do these jobs."

"Laziness is not a disability," Bauer continued. "There are a lot of people that are flat-out lazy and they are using up the goods and services we have in this state."

Lt. Governor Bauer received national attention earlier this year when he compared people receiving public assistance to stray animals, and then delivered a half-hearted apology.

Bauer finished last place in a recent straw poll of South Carolina Republicans, getting only 10 percent of the vote for GOP gubernatorial nomination. Rep. Gresham Barrett won that poll with 37 percent of the vote.

Watch the video (Bauer's comments start around 3:30):

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