Mitt Romney Target Of New Democratic National Committee Attack Ad: 'Wall Street's Best Friend'

Mitt Romney Target Of New Democratic National Committee Attack Ad: 'Wall Street's Best Friend'

The DNC has gotten a jump on 2012 attack ads with the release of a new commercial targeting potential GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney for his recent opposition to Wall Street reform.

The video, entitled "Mitt Romney: Wall Street's Best Friend," is a highlight reel of the former Massachusetts governor's criticisms of Obama's recent push for financial regulatory reform.

ADemocratic source quoted on MSNBC's First Read blog explained the timing of the ad: "We're not waiting until this fall to make a campaign issue out of unanimous Republican opposition to Wall Street reform, we're starting right now. The video ... is indicative of attacks other Republicans can expect if they continue to stand with Wall Street executives over Main Street Americans."

Democrats have attacked Romney for his anti-populist, anti-main street stance before, and have seemingly decided to begin a mission of painting the potential Republican presidential candidate as an ally of reckless Wall Street behavior.

Last month, DNC spokesman Hari Sevugan had this to say about Romney's "No Apology" book tour:

Mitt Romney's 'no apology' book tour is appropriately named. He offers no apology for Wall Street speculators whose irresponsible behavior jeopardized our economy. He offers no apology for bailed out banks who took taxpayer money with one hand and then handed out giant bonuses to their executives with the other. And he offers no apology for an insurance industry which keeps hiking up rates on our families while engaging in unconscionable practices that denies care when people need it the most.

Mitt Romney has made it crystal clear - he and the Republican party are on the side of Wall Street and insurance companies, and not the side of the American people. And that's just sorry


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