Arkansas Public College Graduation Rate Below 40%

Arkansas Public College Graduation Rate Below 40%

According to a new report by Arkansas' Higher Education Department, 38 percent of the state's public university students graduate in six years or less, well below the national average of 53 percent.

The rate is even lower at Arkansas' two-year colleges at 17 percent.

Arkansas higher education officials say the subpar rates make it difficult to bring businesses to the state. The four-year college graduation rate has held steady for five years, which at least one high-ranking education official attributes to students' lack of college preparedness.

[Arkansas Higher Education Department Director Jim Purcell] said lack of academic preparation and money are barriers to many Arkansans enrolling in college.

Last year, 11,837 of the 21,689 students who enrolled in an Arkansas college or university for the first time--or 54.6 percent--needed to take remedial courses in math, English or reading, state figures show.

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