'Angry' Obama To 'Let His Frustrations Spill Out' Over Gulf Disaster

'Angry' Obama To 'Let His Frustrations Spill Out' Over Gulf Disaster

WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama will hold a meeting with top advisers to assess what more can be done to control the massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

The president will meet Friday with members of his Cabinet and other senior administration officials to discuss the next steps in the three-week effort to stop the oil that continues to gush into the Gulf. They'll also talk about containing the spread of the slick and helping affected communities.

Following the meeting, Obama is expected to comment to reporters on the federal effort.

A senior White House official told ABC's Jake Tapper that Obama will express "anger and frustration" with the companies responsible for the spill.

"The president, the official said, is chagrined not only with the fact that the leak has yet to be plugged, but at the fingerpointing and blame-shifting seen during a Congressional hearing earlier this week by executives of BP, Transocean, and Halliburton."

Likewise, the Atlantic's Marc Ambinder wrote, Obama "is going to let his frustrations spill out at a late-morning press availability after he meets with senior officials."

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