Jillian Michaels: I'm Predisposed To Obesity

Jillian Michaels: I'm Predisposed To Obesity

Jillian Michaels was overweight as a teenager, and even though she is now the uber-fit trainer on 'The Biggest Loser,' she says her body is predisposed to obesity. She has also decided to avoid pregnancy because of what it would do to her body. Here are some of Jillian's thoughts on weight as expressed to Time:

On the causes of obesity:
"You can be predisposed genetically, but it's not a sentence. I'm genetically predisposed, but I manage my weight. The root of obesity, though, is usually emotional. The poor habits are a symptom of a deeper emotional issue."

On whether set points are an excuse for laziness:
"I don't believe in lazy. I think lazy is a symptom of something else that's wrong. Five or 10 lb. over your ideal aesthetic weight is normal. But when you're looking at 20-plus lb. over a healthy weight, that's not your body's metabolic set point, nor is it a question of laziness. You need to look a little deeper."

On the infrequent indulgence:
"There's a Turtle Mountain chocolate--peanut butter--coconut ice cream. And the occasional glass of red wine, but it has to be really good because I rarely drink. I'll definitely do a glass of wine and ice cream for dinner. It's been known to happen. Rarely! Rarely!"

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