27% Believe You Can 'Never' Trust Social Networking Sites (INFOGRAPHIC)

27% Believe You Can 'Never' Trust Social Networking Sites (INFOGRAPHIC)

Using data from a Pew study, FlowTown has created a fascinating infographic that highlights people's approach to their online identities.

How often do we Google ourselves--and others? Do we trust social networking sites? How do we control our online reputations? How many identities do we create on the web?

One of the key conclusions from the Pew report, Reputation Management and Social Media, was that "the most visible and engaged Internet users are also most active in limiting the information connected to their names online."

FlowTown's graphic intends to highlight "the most interesting findings from these reports," and indeed the statistics offer a revealing glimpse at our behavior online.

A few highlights:

  • 57% have "Googled" themselves
  • 71% have altered privacy settings with the intent to restrict what information they share.
  • 27% think they can "never" trust social networking sites.
  • 33% are worried about "how much information about them is available online"--down from 40% in 2006.
  • 8% have asked someone to remove information posted about them online.

See the infographic below, or check out a full-sized version of it here.

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