Jerry Brown Runs First TV Ad

Jerry Brown Runs First TV Ad

Via the LA Times, Jerry Brown's first campaign ad has hit the airwaves:

The new 30-second spot features a white-noise audio montage of barbs between Whitman and Poizner, noting "$110 million in campaign spending" and "100,000 negative ads" between the two. As Brown's voice-over begins, the screen text implores "enough already."

(Brown's campaign manager, Steve Glazer, says that by their campaign's tally, through May 26, there have been more than 150,000 ads from Poizner and Whitman thus far and more than two-thirds of those ads have been negative. According to Glazer's numbers, Whitman has run more than 102,000 ads in this campaign through May 26, to Poizner's 48,000.)

Brown's GOP rival Steve Poizner wasted no time in firing off his response: "Just like Jerry Brown's failed tenure as governor, this ad looks like it was produced in the late 1970s."

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