Chronicles Of Narnia 3 TRAILER: Voyage Of The Dawn Treader (VIDEO)

Chronicles Of Narnia 3 TRAILER: Voyage Of The Dawn Treader (VIDEO)

The trailer is out for the third Chronicles of Narnia film, this one called "Voyage of the Dawn Treader," and it looks mildly entertaining. We liked the first one, but the second installment, "Prince Caspian," fell way short of the bar set by its predecessor, much of that due to the lackluster performance of the title character.

The main actors have all returned for the movie, including Tilda Swinton as the Witch and the voice of Liam Neeson as Aslan. Here is IMDB's plot synopsis:

Lucy and Edmund Pevensie return to Narnia with their cousin Eustace where they meet up with Prince Caspian for a trip across the sea aboard the royal ship The Dawn Treader. Along the way they encounter dragons, dwarves, merfolk, and a band of lost warriors before reaching the edge of the world.

At the very least, the sets look interesting. The film is out December 10th of this year.

WATCH: (via Vulture)

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