Kimmel's Power Outage Episode: Host Does Entire Show On Webcam (VIDEO)

Kimmel's Power Outage Episode: Host Does Entire Show On Webcam (VIDEO)

With a power outage derailing Monday night's episode, Jimmy Kimmel improvised, deciding to shoot the show on his laptop's webcam. The results were broadcast last night, giving viewers a raw and intimate experience as they watched Kimmel carry around his computer, attempting to get through his standard routine: opening, pre-taped segments, and welcoming guests (all of whom were quite accommodating).


Kimmel then made his way into the editing bay, in an effort to give viewers the chance to see the pre-taped bits they had planned for the show. Instead of cutting away, he simply propped his computer up to the monitor as a "Toy Story 3" bit played.

Making his way into the studio, which had lights but no cameras, Kimmel welcomed guest Seth Rogen and proceeded to go through with the interview that had originally been planned. Midway through, the microphones went out, but with all the obstacles to overcome, that was the least of their problems.

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