The Most Mysterious Google Street View Sightings (PICTURES)

The Most Mysterious Google Street View Sightings (PICTURES)

Google Street View, a feature of Google Maps that provides 360-degree horizontal and 290-degree vertical panoramic views from just about any where in the world, has snapped its fair share of oddball scenes.

But beyond displaying embarrassing snafus--from public urination to a photobombing seagull--Google Street View sightings can also be more enigmatic and weird, capturing people, places and poses that don't quite add up.

Recently, for example, a prankster in Scotland dubbed Horse Boy (aka The Human Horse) became an internet sensation after he appeared street-side in an image found on Google Street View.

Google Street View is chock-full of strange sightings. From what looks almost like UFOs and alien landings, to feats that defy physics and appearances by characters that are at once hilarious and baffling--here are some of Google Street View's most enigmatic sightings from around the world. (Check out the craziest Street View pictures here)

Dr. Zoidberg? Is that you?

Weirdest Google Street View Finds

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