Griffith Park Shakespeare Festival: Independent Shakespeare Company does 'Othello'

THE SKINNY: Independent Shakespeare Company at Griffith Park

WHO: The Independent Shakespeare Company

WHAT: 'Othello'

WHERE: Independent Shakespeare Co. Festival Stage
Griffith Park Old Zoo
near 4730 Crystal Springs Dr
Los Angeles, CA 90027

WHEN: Thursday - Sunday, July 8 - August 1 at 7:00 p.m.

WHY: "Shakespeare must've been orchestrating from his grave: Three times during Independent Shakespeare Company's production of Othello in Griffith Park, a pack of coyotes burst into laughter. Fitting that nature should interject its opinion on that most futile of human emotions that motorizes the action of Shakespeare's tragedy. "O, beware, my lord, of jealousy; It is the green-ey'd monster, which doth mock the meat it feeds on ..." the kingpin Iago ironically warns Othello." -Rebecca Haithcoat; from LA Weekly

All events free; donations gratefully accepted. Much Ado About Nothing opens August 5.

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