Skokie Woman Found Dead In Garbage-Filled Home: Firefighters Forced To Cut Through Roof To Remove Body (VIDEO)

WATCH: Firefighters Forced To Cut Through Roof To Remove Body Of Dead Hoarder

Firefighters in north suburban Skokie were forced to cut through the roof of a home Monday night to remove the body of a 79-year-old woman who was apparently a hoarder.

The Chicago Tribune reports that Marie Davis was found under a pile of debris in her home in the 5400 block of Foster Street Monday night:

Skokie police were called to the house at about 7:15 p.m. Monday and saw the woman's 54-year-old daughter at the front door, sitting on a six-foot pile of garbage and screaming for help, according to Skokie Police Cmdr. Michael Ruth.

The woman told police her elderly mother was dead inside, Ruth said.

Police were unable to open the door of the residence and contacted the fire department. Skokie deputy fire chief Barry Liss told the Chicago Sun-Times there was a "massive amount of debris" at the home that was "floor to floor, wall to wall." It took ten firefighters three hours to recover the body.

"In my 29 years of law enforcement I have never seen a house in this condition," Skokie police Commander Michael Ruth told CNN.

The Sun-Times reports that Davis' 50-year-old daughter lived with her, and was mentally disabled. Neighbors told the paper that they tried telling Marie that she needed help, but she "didn't want to be involved."

The daughter is reportedly staying with friends.

WATCH footage of the recovery effort here:

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