Subway Cell Phone Service: Train Riders Will Get WiFi In Stations, Trains

Subway Cell Service On Its Way

You won't be able to use the "I was in the subway" excuse much longer when you miss a call.

In the next couple years, New Yorkers will be able to make calls in subway stations and train cars.

It was originally reported that riders would only be able to use their cell phones in train stations, not in transit.

But Alex Mashinsky, CEO of Q-Wireless, says passengers will have bars all the way to their destinations.

This new amenity won't be available overnight. Transit Wireless, the company primarily responsible for making cell service in subways a reality, has two years to outfit six stations to test the technology.

The company will then have four more years to rig up all 277 stations.

Riders' cell phones will only work if their provider reaches an agreement with Transit Wireless, so people who want to gab on the subway should tell their carrier to strike a deal.

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