'Secret Agent L' Unmasks Identity To Further Charity Work

'Secret Agent L' Unmasks Identity To Further Charity Work

Until recently, Pittsburgh resident Laura Miller was known only as 'Secret Agent L' -- an elusive Good Samaritan responsible for the random gifts strangers are finding around the city. She came forward with her identity at a fundraising event for the National Alliance on Mental Illness, saying that her anonymity had hindered her efforts to expand this charitable giving.

With the unmasking of her identity, Miller has been able to take a larger role in the organizing of other mysterious Samaritans around the world, a group she has termed Affiliated Agents. Whenever a new person registers as an Affiliated Agent, they are assigned a random act of kindness and given a copy of Miller's calling card that explains to the recipient of the gift what it is they're holding. When the assignment is complete, she'll post about it on her blog. The gifts can be anything from a roll of quarters at the laundromat to an inspirational knick-knack that is guaranteed to spark a smile.

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