'Birther' Poll Shows That More Than A Quarter Of Americans Think Obama Was Not Born In The U.S.

'Birther' Poll Shows That More Than A Quarter Of Americans Think Obama Was Not Born In The U.S.

A CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll timed for release during President Obama's birthweek shows that more than a quarter of people don't believe Obama was born in the United States.

According to the poll, 11 percent of respondents said they believed that the President was "definitely not" born in the United States, while 16 percent said that Obama was "probably not" born in the country.

Meanwhile, 29 percent responded that the President was "probably" born in the U.S. and 42 percent of those surveyed said they "have absolutely no doubts" about Obama's American birthplace.

From CNN's report:

"Not surprisingly, there are big partisan differences, although a majority of Republicans thinks Obama was definitely or probably born here," says CNN Polling Director Keating Holland. "Eighty-five percent of Democrats say that Obama was definitely or probably born in the U.S., compared to 68 percent of independents and 57 percent of Republicans. Twenty-seven percent of Republicans say he was probably not born here, and another 14 percent of Republicans say he was definitely not born in the U.S."

According to CNN's poll then, 41 percent of Republicans believe that the 44th President of the United States was not born in the country that he currently leads.

On Tuesday, conservative commander and radio host Rush Limbaugh delivered a dose of birtherism on his program, saying, "Tomorrow is Obama's birthday, not that we've seen any proof of that... What? We haven't seen any proof of that! They tell us August 4th is the birthday; we haven't seen any proof of that! Sorry. It is what it is."

The CNN poll was conducted between July 16-21 and surveyed 1,018 adult Americans. The overall sampling error is plus or minus three percentage points.

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