Woman Is THRILLED About Arrest On Alabama Reality Show (VIDEO)

Woman Is THRILLED About Arrest On Alabama Reality Show (VIDEO)

We've seen some ridiculous arrest videos before (who can resist a good 'Cops' re-run?) but this has to be on the top of the list. There are few things in life that make us as excited as this woman is about an arrest on television. That's right - as another woman is lead from her home to be arrested, this lady (we're not sure about any relation) sees the camera man from local reality show "County Law" and gets so excited she starts dancing and running around yelling "County Law!" over and over again.

We had no idea that Montgomery, AL had its own version of "Cops" but apparently it's quite popular. They should get this lady to be their PR person, because we can't imagine anyone else getting quite this excited to be humiliated on TV.


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