'BioShock: Infinite' Unveiled By Irrational Games (VIDEO)

'BioShock: Infinite' Unveiled By Irrational Games

NEW YORK (AP) — The game studio behind the original "BioShock" is coming out with another follow-up to the award-winning, wildly popular 2007 horror shooter – but not until 2012.

While Irrational Games' original "BioShock" was set in an underwater metropolis called Rapture, "BioShock: Infinite" takes place in Columbia, a floating city modeled after 1900s America – with all the promise it held.

"It's like the Apollo Project, constructed as an example of the success of America," creative director Ken Levine said.

As with the first game, there's a twist. Columbia, it turns out, is not just a floating world's fair, but a death star. The player's mission is to save a young woman who's been kidnapped and holds enormous power.

"Infinite" will be the third "BioShock" in the series. Irrational did not develop the second installment, which is also set in Rapture and came out earlier this year.

Take-Two Interactive Software Inc., Irrational's parent company, unveiled the game in New York's Plaza Hotel on Wednesday evening, the same time and place as a birthday party and fundraiser for embattled U.S. Rep. Charles Rangel, D-N.Y.

The game will be available on the Xbox 360, the PlayStation 3 and PCs.

WATCH video below from the launch preview of "BioShock: Infinite."

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