College: A Five Year Party? (VIDEO)

College: A Five Year Party? (VIDEO)

"I wanna go to college for the rest of my life," Asher Roth raps in his famous tune. According to author Craig Brandon, that's not such a far-out possibility for today's youth -- especially since college has become, in essence, one big party that classes seem to inconveniently interrupt.

According to Brandon's new book, "The Five-Year Party: How Colleges Have Given Up On Educating Your Children And What To Do About It," more students than ever before are attending college -- and fewer are graduating in four years. They're studying less, partying more and colleges are bending to their less-academically inclined needs by "dumbing down" programs.

Still, Brandon says that he's "not ready to write off colleges." See how he suggests bringing down the party in his conversation with ABC World News below.

What are your thoughts? Is college too much of a party? Weigh in below.


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