Ben Quayle Campaign Ad Parodied By Andy Cobb (VIDEO)

Ben Quayle Campaign Ad Parodied By Andy Cobb (VIDEO)

Ben Quayle, son of former Vice President Dan Quayle, is running in the GOP Primary to be the next Representative of Arizona's Third District in the U.S. House of Representatives. And this week, he had a message, for America, that Barack Obama was the "worst president in history." Unfortunately, this message didn't fit the editorial mission of Quayle's preferred outlet, The Dirty, a gossip site on which he "documented his quest to find the 'hottest chick in Scottsdale.'" And so, he cut a campaign ad in which he promised to "knock the hell out of Washington," presumably after the effects of the Qaaludes he seemed to be on during the filming of said video wore off.

I thought that Quayle's ad was ripe for parody, and I knew the man for the job: comedian Andy Cobb, of Second City fame. So I made my case, over Twitter, and soon got a reply that such a parody was on the way. Now, I have no idea if I just correctly anticipated Cobb's comedic instincts or if I literally control Andy Cobb from deep within the Comedy Panopticon I built inside the Eat The Press Terrordome, but the man delivered the very thing this brave nation needed most. Please enjoy! And if this doesn't do it for you, click here.


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