HOTEL DESIGN: Rogner Bad Blumau Hotel On Black Eiffel (PHOTOS)

PHOTOS: HOTEL DESIGN: Austrian Hotel Rogner Bad Blumau On Black Eiffel

Getting well always means taking on a number of new behavioral techniques from drinking more liquids to sleeping longer hours. When you really need to get well, drastic measures are often necessary and they now include a visit to the Rogner Bad Blumau in Austria. Colorful, vivid shapes not usually found in nature grace this hotel inside and out. It's located in Styria, Austria - a small-ish Austrian town known for its Renaissance buildings and vast scenes of nature.

Via design blog Black Eiffel, we recently discovered the artistic exteriors and spa-enhanced interiors of this Austrian wellness hotel, designed by artist and architect Friedensreich Hundertwasser.

(Photos from: Black Eiffel and Rogner Bad Blumau)

Rogner Bad Blumau hotel design

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