New Zealand Earthquake 2010: Strong Quake Shakes Christchurch

New Zealand Earthquake 2010: Strong Quake Shakes Christchurch

A strong earthquake rattled New Zealand at 4:35 a.m. local time Saturday morning. The USGS posted a magnitude of 7.2.

The quake epicenter was four miles south-southeast from Christchurch, New Zealand, on the nation's south island. Local media reports there have been strong aftershocks and power outages throughout the city.

Christchurch is New Zealand's second largest city with a population of approximately 372,000.

Some Twitter users in Christchurch were awoken by the earthquake and tweeted about it:

@mojomathers: OMG! That was a freakin big earthquake. Stuff broken. Ongoin aftershocks. Hope everyone ok

@the4avenues: CRAZY earthquake in #Christchurch this morning! That got me out of bed faster than any alarm-clock.

@julierodenberg: 7.4 magnitude earthquake in Christchurch. It shook the water out of the toilet bowl. Crazy!

@sezzyrose: Earthquake woke me up at 4:55am! Broke my wine glass and knocked some stuff around - freaky stuff!!

@kylierichardson: Streetlights all out by our place. At home power ok #earthquake

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