Colbert Continues Salute To Iraq War Veterans With Hot Dogs, Free Beer (VIDEO)

Colbert Continues Salute To Iraq War Veterans With Hot Dogs, Free Beer (VIDEO)

Last night on "The Colbert Report," Stephen Colbert continued his salute to the troops of the Iraq war, this time filling his entire audience with veterans, and again lavishing them with free beer and hot dogs. Colbert even considered the needs of the lady veterans, who were neglected two nights ago when Colbert only had sexy ladies serving beer and no sexy men. Colbert fixed this by sending out a sexy guy in a hot dog costume to dance for their pleasure.

But last night's show wasn't all hot dogs and sexy men. Colbert also got down to business re-assimilating the vets to today's world. He started by catching them up on the latest developments in the last 7 years, including an introduction to Snooki and "Extreme" Pringles. Then he continued to check things off his 'how to honor veterans' checklist, everything except for "jobs and educations." For help with just that, he turned to architect of the new G.I. bill Sen. Jim Webb.


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