Whitman Campaign Calls Out Fiorina's Former Company For Sending Jobs Out-Of-State

Whitman Campaign Calls Out Fiorina's Former Company For Sending Jobs Out-Of-State

Someone may need to have a little talk about social media and message control.

Meg Whitman's young professionals' coalition, trying to make the point that California businesses are under siege, has been tweeting a list of corporations that have sent jobs to other states.

The latest on their roll? Hewlett-Packard, which "Gen-M 2010" tweeted "at various times has moved jobs to Tennessee and Texas."

Hewlett-Packard is the corporation run for nearly six years by Carly Fiorina, Whitman's GOP ticket-mate who is running against Sen. Barbara Boxer. Fiorina has come under withering criticism from Democrats for laying off tens of thousands of workers and sending jobs overseas.

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