Pat Farmer, Australian 'Forrest Gump,' To Run From North To South Poles

Aussie 'Forrest Gump' To Run From North To South Poles

An Australian athlete is launching a bid to complete what is being called the world's longest run -- from the North Pole to the South Pole -- for charity.

Dubbed the Australian "Forrest Gump," 48-year-old Pat Farmer hopes to begin the 13,000-journey, which he is calling "the greatest challenge of his life," next March. According to the AFP, the marathon veteran expects to go through more than 40 pairs of shoes and 300 pairs of socks over the course of the 11-month run, which will take him through Canada, the United States, Mexico and 10 South American countries. He will be followed by a film crew for the duration of the trip.

Reportedly inspired by a recent trip to southeast Asia, Farmer hopes to raise $100 million, which he will donate to the Red Cross and its work providing clean water and sanitation facilities in Third World nations.

See photos of Farmer training on the Sydney Opera House steps:

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