Political Ads 2010: Reviewing The Best With The Maker Of 'Demon Sheep'

Political Ads 2010: Reviewing The Best With The Maker Of 'Demon Sheep'

Election Day is still a few weeks away, but the 2010 campaign season has already produced plenty of memorable--or at least unforgettable--political ads. We called a couple of veterans of the campaign advertising wars for their opinions of a few selected ads from earlier this year, plus their thoughts on what makes for a great political spot. Bill Hillsman is the head of North Woods Advertising and the creator of campaign ads for the late Sen. Paul Wellstone (D-Minn.), former Minnesota governor Jesse Ventura, and Texas troubadour-turned-gubernatorial candidate Kinky Friedman. Fred Davis is the head of Strategic Perception Inc. and has filmed ads for the Bush-Cheney campaign and Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.); he's also the brains behind what may be this season's most famous spot so far, California Republican senatorial candidate Carly Fiorina's "Demon Sheep" ad. Roll tape:

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