Colbert Merges Halloween With The March To Keep Fear Alive (VIDEO)

Colbert Merges Halloween With The March To Keep Fear Alive (VIDEO)

Last night on "The Colbert Report," Stephen Colbert dedicated a segment to the March To Keep Fear Alive and addressed the fact that it falls on Halloween weekend. He also shared some valuable information on exactly WHAT we should be afraid of, and encouraged everyone to wear costumes to the March on October 30th.

The March to Keep Fear Alive is obviously about being scared, but there are many things to fear, for example "immigrants who came here after our grandparents" or "Katy Perry's breasts," as Colbert pointed out. One town in upstate New York has expressed a new kind of fear that Colbert was fascinated by: Dead muslims. Sidney, New York tried recently to have a private Muslim cemetery removed from their town.

"Usually when you die, your threat level decreases significantly," Colbert said. So the only logical conclusion is: Muslim vampires. Colbert gave some advice on how to keep them away such as wearing a bacon turtleneck, because "a crucifix won't work" and "a drawing of Mohammad just makes them madder."

But fear isn't the only aspect of the March To Keep Fear Alive. As Bill O'Reilly pointed out, the march is on Halloween weekend, so Colbert is embracing the holiday and encouraging all marchers to "come disguised as whatever I've taught you to fear."

We can't wait to see how many "Warewolf Blizters" and "Al Frankensteins" show up to the march!


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