Bachmann Throws Bush Under The Bus In New Campaign Ad (VIDEO)

Bachmann Throws Bush Under The Bus In New Campaign Ad (VIDEO)

Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) took a hard tack away from President George W. Bush this week with the release of a new ad campaign that puts her vote against the former president's "Wall Street bailout" front and center.

"Government spending does not create good jobs," she says in the ad. "That's why I led the fight against the Bush Wall Street bailout, the failed Pelosi trillion-dollar stimulus and Obama's government takeover of health care."

As Politico points out, it comes as a surprise that Bachmann, who in 2007 was mocked as acting like a "teenager meeting Justin Timberlake" for her conduct during an encounter with President Bush after a State of the Union Address, appears to be equating the Bush centerpiece to her nemeses of the 2009 stimulus and recent health care overhaul.

Bachmann is currently facing Democratic State Sen. Tarry Clark in a heated battle for Minnesota's 6th Congressional District seat. The latest polls show Bachmann leading by a nine point margin, which appears to be consistent with what earlier surveys have found.

Clark's latest ad focuses on Bachmann's strong words against the current structuring of Social Security and a statement that the congresswoman made about the government needing to "wean" people off the program.

Watch Bachmann's ad:

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