The Most Inappropriate Halloween Costumes Of All Time (PHOTOS)

The Most Inappropriate Halloween Costumes Of All Time (PHOTOS)

Halloween is just a few weeks away so your costume search is probably in high gear. Don't worry - HuffPost Comedy is on top if it. We've already suggested a few costumes for this year and will be showcasing more hilarious (and ridiculous) costumes for adults, kids and pets as the big day approaches.

What's more important that finding the right costume, however, is making sure you don't wear the WRONG costume. We added to our list from last year of the most inappropriate Halloween costumes of all time - and boy were we surprised at how many more inappropriate ones are out there this year. Vote for the worst of the lot, and if you see any more inappropriate costumes out there, let us know!

Trans Barbie

The Most Inappropriate Halloween Costumes Of All Time


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