New Rand Paul Ad Imitates Obama's Voice (VIDEO)

New Rand Paul Ad Imitates Obama's Voice (VIDEO)

Kentucky Senate candidate Rand Paul is borrowing a familiar voice for his latest campaign ad -- President Obama's. But if something sounds slightly amiss, that's probably because it's an impersonator attempting to drive a connection between Democrat Jack Conway and the President.

"Jack Conway, uh, has given me a stamp of approval," the mimicked voice says. "Conway supported me for president, helped bankroll my campaign, and even fought to pass my health care plan. Now, I need Conway in Washington, because I know I can count on Conway to vote for more spending and debt, bigger government and higher taxes."

A Blackberry vibrates, displaying Jack Conway calling from Kentucky's 502 area code. The number is also directed from 867-5309, the famous seven digits behind Tommy Tutone's hit single of the same name.

"There he is now! Mr. Jack Conway," "Obama" says. "Now there's a guy I can work with in Washington."

Paul's latest spot comes as the DSCC announces a new ad campaign against the Tea Party-backed Republican's controversial comments about creating a $2,000 deductible for Medicare.

The latest polling from HuffPost Pollster shows Paul with a significant lead over Conway.

Watch the DSCC's ad here.

Watch Rand Paul's new ad:

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