Colbert Mocks Angle, Vitter For Using 'Scary Minorities' Stock Photos (VIDEO)

Colbert Mocks Angle, Vitter For Using 'Scary Minorities' Stock Photos (VIDEO)

Fear has always been a great way to motivate voters, and Stephen Colbert knows a thing or two about fear. So, when he officially kicked off his midterm election coverage last night on "The Colbert Report," fear was the first subject that came up.

Colbert was disappointed to realize that Nevada Senate candidate Sharron Angle and Louisiana senator David Vitter used the same "scary minorities" stock photo in smear ads against their opponents. Tragically, there must be a shortage of these types of photos, as all the ones Colbert could find were obviously "Photoshopped to look like they love their families."

Naturally, Colbert's solution was to start a new fear-based photo licensing service,, where you can get photos "for when reality isn't as terrifying as you need it to be"


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