Biden Invites Nation's Ladies To Discuss Taxes At Rustic Tahoe Chalet (VIDEO)

Biden Invites Nation's Ladies To Discuss Taxes At Rustic Tahoe Chalet (VIDEO)

Vice President Joe Biden has an amazing weekend planned, as long as the nation's (single) ladies are game: a secluded retreat at a rustic lodge in Lake Tahoe... To discuss taxes, of course.

Check out this web exclusive of another awesome Onion News Network segment about the Vice President's invitation for all the nation's women to join him in a frank discussion of tax policy, other national concerns, and then, you know, "wherever the night takes us" at his buddy's place in Tahoe.

The mention of a hot tub and a 2005 Chablis should bring thousands of ladies to the discussion weekend, even before they learn that Biden will be playing a Spanish guitar at some point during the weekend. (Via Babelgum)


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