News Flash: The London Underground is Hell

UNDERGROUND ART: Dante's Inferno Underneath Waterloo Station

Americans are in trouble unless the UK increases exports. There they are, smugly denying us their resources like David Beckham on the bench. We need their creativity now more than ever, but they're not evening bringing their art on tour.
The last several years have seen an explosion of immersive art exhibitions in England, from the interactive performances of Punchdrunk to the raging film parties of Future Cinema, and London's latest art environment is due to open tomorrow underneath Waterloo Station. The exhibition, put on by London dealer Lazarides in collaboration with The Old Vic Tunnels, will be "a large-scale evocation of Dante's Inferno." The promo video only hints at the horror that will ensue, and we can't wait to see how the Maleboge--that's where seducers and sorcerers are traditionally kept--turns out. It will be open from October 12-17, and "interaction with the exhibited encouraged." Now, if only they'd encourage a travelling exhibition.

Image and Video from Babelgum

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