9 Non-Writers Who Influenced Literary History

Under The Influence

Writing a book is usually a long, hair-pulling affair for the author. But in the end, only one name appears on the front of the book: their own.

What often gets lost in the process is the work of others, without whom writing a book would be even more trying. Editors, friends, family, and even public figures can all contribute to the success of a book.

Where would Raymond Carver be without Gordon Lish? Where would Chekhov be without Tolstoy? Where would Proust be without the madeleine?

Now, we've restricted our list to living things (but not necessarily humans!), but here are nine non-writers who helped shape the course of literary history. They should have at least been mentioned on the acknowledgments page.

Which literary influence is heaviest? Whom are we missing? Let us know!

Maxwell Perkins

Literary Influences

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