50 Reasons To Love New York

If You Live In New York, It's OK To Gloat About It

It's a dreary, rainy day in the city, so we might as well fight the bleakness with some optimism! The Village Voice ran its 50 Reasons to Be Pretty Damn Euphoric You Live in New York City, and a few are worth mentioning:

49. Drinking coffee four times a day, every day, isn't the exception, it's the rule.

47. There is always someone crazier than you. ALWAYS.

41. We get the inside jokes. Because, actually, we made them up in the first place.

34. There are almost 200 bars in the East Village alone.

26. Smart people are the norm, not the exception. (Which doesn't mean they're sane, but at least no one's boring.)

10. Subway rage. Bike-lane rage. Walking rage. Random rage. These are our therapy. Although we all go to therapy, too. No judgments! We bitch, therefore we are.

Number 47 is truer than you think. Just this morning we spotted a topless woman waiting for the Brooklyn-bound R train at the Court street stop, and nobody seemed to care. Try fact-checking THAT.

Visit The Village Voice to see the complete list.

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