Sarah Palin's SarahPAC Drops Video Boasting About Endorsement Success (VIDEO)

Sarah Palin Unveils Video Celebrating Election Results

The montage masterminds over at SarahPAC have strung together a few clips of various campaign commercials and appearances by Sarah Palin's victorious grizzlies in a promotional video that refuses to be distracted by a number of her failed endorsements.

"Across the country, everyday Americans are standing up and they're speaking out," Palin says in the video, a claim she's made in her PAC's prior two productions (and perhaps in every public speech she's ever given).

"Based on what I'm seeing, there is more than enough reason to have faith in America," she continues. "I'm confident and I am hopeful because this is our movement, this is our moment, this is our morning in America."

Playing over Palin's patented positive conservative reinforcement are shots of some of her big-time winners from Tuesday: Senator-elects Rand Paul of Kentucky and Marco Rubio of Florida, future representatives Renee Ellmers of North Carolina and Sean Duffy of Wisconsin, and Susana Martinez of New Mexico, who was recently elected the first female Hispanic governor, all highlight the list.

The video makes no tribute to a number of her unsuccessful candidates, however, political hopefuls that Palin publicly backed in failed efforts to reach office. Palin appears content taking her overall winning record and touting it as a success for all "grizzlies," while ignoring the fact that she was unable to deliver for numerous candidates who could have provided the GOP with a possible Senate majority.

"We're gonna stand up and we're gonna speak out and it may take some renegades going rogue to get us there. It may take folks shaking it up to get there. We're gonna do this together," Palin concludes.


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