Graph O'Lantern 'Outliers'

Graph O'Lantern 'Outliers'

Nate Silver and Dick Bennett assess 2010 pollster accuracy.

Pew Research examines the roles of Latinos and religious voters on Tuesday.

Jon Ralston examines the Nevada polls that got Reid-Angle wrong.

David Frum warns to be mindful of projecting 2010 on 2012; Jamelle Bouie adds more. grades Intrade's election forecasts.

Mark Mellman explores potential sources of systematic polling error.

Steve Singiser takes a (pre-election) look at polling and likely voter models.

Barry Burden and Kenneth Mayer say early voting means lower turnout.

Resurgent Republic says independents prefer conservative solutions.

John Palmer visualizes 100 years of interaction between US politics and the economy.

The New York Times animates candidate-related tweets over time.

The Onion reports on groundbreaking campaign communication technology.

Zogby finds 37% of Americans believe in ghosts.

Stephen Von Worley introduces the Graph-O'Lantern.

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