Bobby Jindal Blasts 'Men Behaving Badly' -- But Not David Vitter -- In New Book

Bobby Jindal Blasts Political Philanderers -- But Not David Vitter

Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal is out with a new book that, among other topics, pulls no punches on the notorious sexual indiscretions of some of Washington's players -- with two notable exceptions: Sen. David Vitter, his Louisianan compatriot, and former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich.

The book is now titled "Leadership and Crisis" after undergoing a facelift from the original "Real Hope, Real Change" when the book was delayed from its July release due to the BP oil spill. It tackles five major areas, which you can see in the Washington Post's review here.

Interestingly enough, however, one of the fields that Jindal decides to cover is "Men Behaving Badly," a detailed rebuke of a bipartisan group of high-profile philanderers that, according to the Post, includes "John Ensign, Mark Sanford, Larry Craig, John Edwards and Bill Clinton."

"Taking advantage of others, or exploiting powerful positions to enrich ourselves or to feed our own appetites, is the opposite of real leadership," Jindal writes.

Noticeably spared from his critique are Sen. David Vitter, a focal point of the infamous "D.C. Madam" prostitution ring, and Newt Gingrich, who allegedly discussed his affair with Bill Clinton while serving as Speaker of the House.

As the Post points out, the sparing of Gingrich from the record seems to make sense considering that the conservative powerhouse lent his name to a back cover blurb singing Jindal's accolades.

As for Vitter, perhaps Jindal just decided that it would be best to ignore the misdeeds of his fellow statesman. After all, a report from this summer showed that a large portion of Louisianans were unaware of Vitter's wrongdoing. And despite an intense effort by Democrat Charlie Melancon to remind the electorate of the senator's dark past, Vitter still coasted to reelection.

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