Bristol Palin Shakes It On 'Dancing With The Stars' Week 8 (VIDEO)

WATCH: Bristol Shakes It On 'Dancing'

Bristol Palin is still 'Dancing,' and Monday night her Argentine tango with partner Mark Ballas earned them a respectable 24 points. In the second round, Bristol did the samba and shimmied to a song selected just before the performance.

"My biggest fear for the samba is getting off beat, because once you're off beat, you're screwed," Bristol told the camera during rehearsal footage.

Despite losing the beat a bit, she scored fairly well, for a total score of 47 out of a possible 60. Still she came in last among the five remaining dancers.

Bristol's dad, Todd, and her two sisters watched from the studio audience.

WATCH Part 1:
WATCH Part 2:

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