Downtown Coyote Could Be On Rat Patrol (VIDEO)

WATCH: Coyote Takes A Stroll Down State Street

A coyote that was spotted running down State Street early Monday may be in the Loop on assignment: to help keep the city's rodent population at bay.

NBC Chicago reports that the coyote was near the Chicago Theater around 3 a.m., running quickly down the virtually empty street.

"He's not a threat...He's not going to pick up your children," Brad Block, a supervisor for the Chicago Commission on Animal Care and Control told the Chicago Tribune. "His job is to deal with all of the nuisance problems, like mice, rats and rabbits."

Block told the paper that several coyotes fitted with GPS devices have been allowed by the state to run through Chicago to deal with the city's rodent population.

WATCH the coyote's overnight frolic down State Street here:

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