Christmas Gifts 2010: A Guide To Tablet, eReader Gift Ideas (PHOTOS)

PHOTOS: Tablet And eReader Gift Guide--What To Know Before You Buy

(DANA WOLLMAN, AP/HUFFINGTON POST) NEW YORK -- This holiday season, it will be hard to enter a store without setting eyes on a tablet computer or an e-reader. In both categories, big-name manufacturers -- along with some you might not have heard of -- are jumping on the bandwagon, trying hard to undercut each other with lower-priced gadgets.
It doesn't help that so many of them claim to do the same thing. The iPad dominates the field, but there's a slew of contenders that all run Google Inc.'s Android software, which is already common on smart phones. Meanwhile, the smaller tablets look almost indistinguishable from some new e-readers that hope to unseat the Kindle.

So which to buy? Here are the best options and some advice for figuring out which is the right choice for the person on your list.

View our slideshow and share your thoughts in the comments below. Are you considering one these devices for the holidays?

Amazon Kindle (eReader)

Tablet, eReader Gift Guide

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