Google eBooks: Just How Revolutionary Is It? (VIDEO)

WATCH: Just How Revolutionary Is Google eBooks?

Google launched its foray into the publishing market today with Google eBooks, a comprehensive online shopping service that allows users to purchase digital books and then read them across multiple platforms, such as the Nook, iPad and personal computer.

Google stated this morning on its official blog:

We designed Google eBooks to be open. Many devices are compatible with Google eBooks--everything from laptops to netbooks to tablets to smartphones to e-readers. With the new Google eBooks Web Reader, you can buy, store and read Google eBooks in the cloud. That means you can access your ebooks like you would messages in Gmail or photos in Picasa--using a free, password-protected Google account with unlimited ebooks storage.

The new Google service premiered today to much anticipation, as the site has undergone many delays, a recent re-branding from the name Google Editions and wide speculation as to the impact the site would have on the book market.

To mark the opening of the ebook service, Google released a two-minute video that highlights the service's many features [scroll down to view the video below].

So, what do you think:


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