Anthony Weiner: Obama Sees Presidency More As 'Negotiator-In-Chief' Than 'Leader Of Our Country' (VIDEO)

Anthony Weiner: Obama 'Unfortunately' Sees Presidency As 'Negotiator-In-Chief'

Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.) is as upset as any Democratic lawmaker about Obama's recently rejected tax cut deal, and he expressed his anger Thursday morning by claiming that the announced plan was a sign that the president views his head-of-state duties as "negotiator-in-chief," not "leader of our country."

In a discussion on ABC News's "Good Morning America," Weiner said Obama was not pushing hard enough for his own vision of tax reform, like Ronald Reagan had done during his presidency.

"I told the vice president a memory that I had of Ronald Reagan saying to Tip O'Neil in the United States Congress 'You guys may have a strong Democratic majority but I want tax reform.' And he traveled the country and got it done. That's what presidents do," Weiner said, explaining a heated exchange between House Democrats and Vice President Joe Biden on Wednesday. "Unfortunately I think that President Obama sees the job more as negotiator-in-chief than really the leader of our country and the leader of our party."

Rep. Weiner then seemed to argue, as he did on Fox News Wednesday, that the president's recent publicity tour didn't end up resonating because he hadn't concentrated enough direct energy on encouraging Americans to take a stand on the issue.

Weiner later clarified that Democrats wanted to support Obama, but that they would like to see him act more aggressively on his hallmark issues.

"We want the president to be a success, there's no doubt about that. And that's what separates us from the Republicans," Weiner said. "But I have to tell you something it's only going to get worse for the president if he allows himself to be pushed around by this with deals like this."


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