Clinton/Obama Press Briefing Gets The Taiwanese Animation Treatment (VIDEO)

WATCH: The Obama/Clinton Briefing Gets Animated

Last week when President For Life Bill Clinton took the stage at press conference to serve as an understudy for President Obama as he went to a Christmas party, memories of the '90s came swelling back -- as did reminders of Clinton's relative continued popularity as compared to the oft-troubled current administration.

Jon Stewart pointed out that it only took moments for President Clinton to reacquaint himself with his natural habitat of the press conference, but our favorite Taiwanese animation studio,, took things a step further by dramatizing the Clinton/Obama relationship in ways that only they can do.

In their version, a beleaguered President Obama is unable to trounce his Republican opponents, so he summons the cigar-chomping Bill Clinton for assistance (via a Playboy signal in the sky, of course). After helping Obama quell his adversaries at a press conference, they do what all current and ex-presidents do when they get together: eat burgers and squirt mustard at a crying John Boehner on television.'s unique brand of breakneck absurdist animation and oddly prescient visual metaphors makes this video another worthy addition of their always welcome take on American pop culture.


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