Participate In 'QR Scavenger Hunt', Win Ford Fiesta

Play Tuesday's 'QR' Scavenger Hunt, Win Car

Just in time for Christmas, you can win a brand new Ford Fiesta by simply running around Manhattan (isn't that what most New Yorkers do everyday anyways?).

The folks at Neatorama and mental_floss are hosting an innovative scavenger hunt on Tuesday, December 21, based on QR codes. The hunt will start at 11am from four locations-the Upper East Side, Upper West Side, East Village and West Village. Check out @neatorama and @mental_floss who will tweet the precise starting locations at 10:30 a.m.

Participants will need to scan the QR codes to get a clue for the next location and continue the scavenger hunt until they have stopped at four destinations. The grand prize for the person who completes the scavenger hunt the fastest is a Ford Fiesta, however there will also be random prizes given out during the event.

Lace up your sneakers, charge up your mobile device and get ready to race!

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