Ice Pick Mugger Indicted, Reveals Motivations Behind Muggings

The Secret Motivation Behind The 'Ice Pick' Muggings

John Martinez, 39, better known as the Ice Pick Mugger, has been indicted for assaulting two women in the Bronx on Monday. Martinez reportedly followed the two women, 43 and 50, into their respective buildings on November 14th, and threatened them with an ice pick while demanding money.

Martinez, who had served eight years in prison before his release in September, is also facing charges for similar robberies reported in the East Village.

But Martinez' cousin, Kenny Colon, said that his cousin was only trying to round up cash to buy Christmas presents. Apparently Martinez was "stressing about how to afford everything for the holidays,"

"He was thinking about beinggood to his family and Christmas ... not about hurting anybody," Colon said. "He just got out [of jail] ... he couldn't afford presents.

"He's not a bad guy - just broke. He's always been real into Christmas."

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