Brian Williams Takes Dig At New York Times For 'Discovering Brooklyn' (VIDEO)

WATCH: Brian Williams Takes Dig At NYT For 'Discovering Brooklyn'

On top of the broadcast news ratings, NBC's Brian Williams took a funny jab at the newspaper of record.

Appearing on 'Morning Joe' Wednesday morning, Williams was asked what, in his opinion, was the media story of the year. Williams couldn't hold back his documented sardonic sense of humor.

"I think the media story of the year of 2010 was the New York Times' discovery of Brooklyn. Once a day, there's a story about all the riches offered in the borough," he said to laughter from the show's hosts as he continued his satire. "There are young men and women wearing ironic glass frames on the streets."

"There are open air markets, like trading posts in the early Chippewa tribe," Williams continued, "where you can make beads, simple beads at home, and trade them for someone to come over and start a small fire in your apartment that you share with nine people."


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