James Franco Presents ... A School Play

James Franco Presents ... A School Play

James Franco will try anything once. Even college musical theater.

The actor-author-performance artist-cross-dresser-student's latest production -- at this point aptly titled James Franco Presents -- will take place on a stage at Yale, and will include sex, laughs and science fiction.

The scoop on his show, from the Yale Drama Coalition's website:

"James Franco Presents" is the story of a girl dealing with the realities of love and life once she realizes she can't hide behind the wonderful fantasies of fiction. A comedic drama, this musical incorporates film and live musical theater to tell the story of a cast struggling to write and produce a musical that is grounded in high school realities but with a sci-fi twist. Sex, blood, and surrealism to be expected.

Rumor has it the show has been scored with drama behind the scenes -- but we assume it's nothing a Yale Ph.D. in training, like Franco, can't handle.

Auditions for JFP begin on Sunday, so start practicing.

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