MTA Considers Putting Sliding Doors On Subway Platforms To Save Lives

MTA Looking For A Way To Curb Rise In Subway Deaths

In the wake of several recent deaths caused by subway trains, the MTA is looking for ways to prevent the loss of life on the tracks.

The authority is searching for companies interested in installing sliding doors on subway platforms that would open only when trains are in the station.

The barriers would keep riders from jumping or falling on to the tracks.

The Daily News reports that 90 people were struck by trains in 2009--40 of them died.

From the Daily News:

The protective platforms under consideration are increasingly common overseas in cities like London, Paris and Tokyo. They are also in use closer to home at AirTrain stops in Queens and in New Jersey.

"I think it's great but ... I don't know where they'll get the funds to finance that," said Manhattan law student Dave Ugelow. "Anything that can prevent people from falling or jumping on the tracks is a good thing."

One possibility for funding would be to let the company that builds the doors share the revenue from advertisements placed on them.

The doors would also keep trash and debris from collecting on the tracks, which can lead to fires and delays.

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