'iCarly' Pokes Fun At Homeless, Throws 'Hobo Party'

'iCarly' Pokes Fun At Homeless, Throws 'Hobo Party'

The characters of the popular Nickelodeon program "iCarly" endear themselves to tweens the world over with their joking banter. But a common punchline may feel a little funny to the rest of us: Hobos.

The show, about a 16-year-old who creates her own web show, is making a running joke about homeless people, and even featured a photo gallery of a "hobo party" on its real-life website iCarly.com.

The show's characters are dressed in tattered, mismatched garb, with captions such as "Carly got her hobo costume from that new store in the mall called C.J. Penniless."

Freddie, one of Carly's friends on the show, also posted a blog on the website joking about a character named Hollywood the Hobo:

"Hollywood says, 'Any moron can have a job. It takes a special person NOT to have one!'"

Kids are catching on to the show's homeless-bashing, evidenced by a recent installment of "Kids React to Viral Videos." The video, created by independent production team The Fine Bros., features responses from kids about what they think it means to be homeless.

"You kind of have to steal your food."

"They used to be in this, like, mental hospital and then it closed down. Then they just threw them on the streets."

"Like, people make fun of them all the time, like on iCarly, and stuff. Like, 'Oooh, hobo.'"


Some outraged TV viewers have launched a Facebook group called "Dear iCarly, STOP MAKING HOBO JOKES THEY'RE NOT THAT FUNNY!!!" asking iCarly to stop making hobo jokes.

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