How Smartphone Preferences Differ By Race

How Smartphone Preferences Differ By Race

As smartphone platforms battle each other for dominance, a new study may provide some insight into which groups of people are buying different phones.

Recent data released by Nielsen shows that at least among Asians (which includes Pacific Islanders) and African-Americans, certain platforms reign supreme. Thirty-six percent of Asians with smartphones have iPhones, while 31 percent of African-Americans with smartphones go for a BlackBerry.

Generally, according to Nielsen's breakdowns and categories, Asians, Hispanics and African-Americans are purchasing smartphones at higher rates than "Whites"--45 percent of Asians and Hispanics and 33 percent of African-Americans are smartphone users, while only 27 percent of Whites are.

While 60 percent of Asians, 56 percent of Hispanics and 44 percent of African-Americans purchasing phones in the past six months bought smartphones, only 42 percent of caucasian users did the same.

Check out the graph below (via Nielsen). See the full report here.

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